Dot plot
Create beautiful dot plots in Datawrapper
Show one or multiple dots per line, change the range or customize the colors as you need them.
Lead the reader’s eye by highlighting your most important dots – in Datawrapper, that’s just a few clicks. Then turn on the color key to show readers what your colors indicate.
As soon as you upload your data, you will see a beautiful dot plot – but every data set is different, and we want to help you communicate it best.
Sorting your dots differently? Changing the position of your axis ticks? Highlight the range between the dots? It’s all possible. Just click around until you’re happy.
Especially if you have lots of rows in your chart, it can make sense to bring some order into them by grouping them – for example, by location or rating. Simply add a column with a different category, then click “Group by”.
Need help creating Datawrapper charts?
We’re here for you.