
The online conference for Datawrapper users, March 13-15, 2024.

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Thank you for attending Unwrapped!

Rewatch the talks of day 1
Rewatch the talks of day 2
Rewatch the talks of day 3

The recordings start at approximately 30 minutes in. We will also announce on our blog when all the talks will be uploaded to our YouTube channel in a few weeks. Sign up for our “All blog posts” newsletter to be notified.

Unwrapped was a conference where you could see how others are making the most of Datawrapper. The conference was a space for advanced users to learn from each other, for beginners to get to the next level, and for curious people to learn what’s possible with Datawrapper.

Unwrapped took place from Wednesday, March 13 to Friday, March 15, 2024 — in the mornings/afternoons for Americans, afternoons/evenings for Europe and Africa, and evenings/nights for Asia. To know when talks will happen in your time zone, you could do the following:

Add all talks to your Google calendar
Download all talks as a calendar file
Download the agenda as a PDF (2.1MB)

To give you the best Unwrapped experience, we set up a conference community in Slack. It was a quick way to have your questions about Unwrapped answered, and a fun place to interact with attendees and speakers.

Speakers & Program

Here are all the talks and speakers that you could see at Unwrapped.

05:00 pm
Germany, Nigeria
12:00 pm
U.S. East, Bolivia
09:30 pm
Wednesday, March 13
Welcome to day 1 of Unwrapped!

Some housekeeping and how to make the most of Unwrapped, from our head of communications, Lisa Charlotte Muth.

Guillermina Sutter Schneider, Datawrapper
05:10 pm
12:10 pm
U.S. East
09:40 pm
Introduction to Datawrapper (2 hours)

If you’re new to Datawrapper, this is the perfect session for you. Datawrapper product specialist Guillermina will give you a gentle introduction to the tool, demo how to create a chart, map, and table with it, and explain concepts like “API” and “Datawrapper teams.”

07:00 pm
Germany, Nigeria
02:00 pm
U.S. East, Bolivia
11:30 pm
Examples of use
Wednesday, March 13
Pearl Kyei, University of Ghana
07:00 pm
02:00 pm
U.S. East
11:30 pm
How Datawrapper helped me present disaggregated data at the subnational level

Pearl is a lecturer at the University of Ghana Regional Institute for Population Studies and has created over 1,000 Datawrapper visualizations for census reports, teaching, and research. She’ll show how she uses tables to present many regional trends in one graphic.

More about Pearl’s talk
Victòria Oliveres,
07:15 pm
02:15 pm
U.S. East
11:45 pm
How we use Datawrapper at from drafting to creating a customized style

Victòria is a data journalist at the Spanish online news site She’ll talk about quickly drafting ideas and reacting fast to news with Datawrapper, while considering some in-house style rules.

07:30 pm
Germany, Nigeria
02:30 pm
U.S. East, Bolivia
12:00 pm
Datawrapper insights
Wednesday, March 13
Elana Levin Schtulberg, Datawrapper
Visualization development at Datawrapper: a peek behind the curtain

Elana leads visualization development at Datawrapper. She’ll talk about how we decide what features to add and what form they’re going to take, and what actually goes into transforming them from idea to reality. After the talk, the whole Datawrapper vis team will be there to answer your questions.

More about Elana’s talk
02:00 pm
Germany, Nigeria
09:00 am
U.S. East, Bolivia
01:30 pm
Datawrapper across fields
Thursday, March 14
Welcome to day 2 of Unwrapped!

Some housekeeping, a recap of yesterday’s conference day, and what to expect today from our head of communications, Lisa Charlotte Muth.

Anna Lombardi, Copernicus
02:10 pm
09:10 am
U.S. East
06:40 pm
Datawrapper was my life vest, both in a frantic national newsroom and in an EU research centre

Anna Lombardi is a data journalist turned climate data visualizer at the Copernicus Climate Change Service. She’ll talk about how Datawrapper has helped her in very different work environments.

More about Anna’s talk
Ana Bertol, Odd Data & Design Studio
02:25 pm
09:25 am
U.S. East
06:55 pm
Helping scientists make their data speak with Datawrapper

Ana is a data leader at Odd Data & Design Studio, a Spain- and Brazil-based information design studio. She’ll share how to use Datawrapper to train researchers to create beautiful, clear, and engaging visualizations tailored to their target audience.

More about Ana’s talk
Alex Hamilton,
02:45 pm
09:45 am
U.S. East
07:15 pm
Building popular new products utilizing Datawrapper’s live functionality

Alex is the data visualisation lead at, a startup intelligence platform based in Amsterdam. He’ll talk about live-connecting Google Sheets to Datawrapper to build two brand-new client-facing products.

More about Alex’ talk
Taylor Orth, YouGov
03:05 pm
10:05 am
U.S. East
07:35 pm
Using Datawrapper to visualize public opinion

Taylor Orth is the director of survey data journalism at YouGov. She’ll talk about ways to use Datawrapper to distill complex public opinion data into accessible visual narratives, including common pitfalls.

More about Taylor’s talk
Lucy Block, Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development
03:25 pm
10:25 am
U.S. East
07:55 pm
Charting Change: How can data visualization help us win progressive policies?

Lucy is a senior research and data associate at the nonprofit Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development in New York City. She’ll talk about using Datawrapper to shift public narratives and convince elected officials.

More about Lucy’s talk
Matthew Montesano, NYC DOHMH
03:40 pm
10:40 am
U.S. East
08:10 pm
A revolution in government data communication strategy

Matthew is the director of data communication at the NYC Health Department’s Bureau of Environmental Surveillance and Policy. He’ll talk about how the NYC Health Department used Github, vanilla Javascript, and Datawrapper to power a COVID-19 dashboard.

More about Matthew’s talk
Taylor Bednarz, Maricopa County
03:55 pm
10:55 am
U.S. East
08:25 pm
Rapid deployment of a public COVID-19 vaccine data webpage using Datawrapper

Taylor Bednarz is the senior data visualization epidemiologist with the Maricopa County Department of Public Health. Taylor will share how Datawrapper made it easy to create several iterations of their COVID-19 Vaccine Data webpage to better suit community needs over time.

More about Taylor’s talk
04:30 pm
Germany, Nigeria
11:30 am
U.S. East, Bolivia
09:00 pm
News & design
Thursday, March 14
Julia Wolfe, Reuters
04:30 pm
11:30 pm
U.S. East
09:00 pm
Bringing Datawrapper to your newsroom

Julia is the editor of the Americas graphics team at Reuters. She’ll talk about her experience introducing Datawrapper at FiveThirtyEight and helping to roll it out globally at Reuters.

More about Julia’s talk
Julius Tröger, ZEIT Online
05:00 pm
12:00 pm
U.S. East
09:30 pm
How we ditched D3 and mostly used Datawrapper

Julius Tröger is head of Data and Visualization at the German newsroom ZEIT Online. His talk will cover how his team has used Datawrapper visualizations for animations, live dashboards, and scroll formats.

More about Julia’s talk
Paula Guisado & Jaime Gutiérrez, DatosRTVE
05:30 pm
12:30 pm
U.S. East
10:00 pm
Here’s your graphic: how DatosRTVE created a systematic dataviz workflow for the breaking news team

Paula and Jaime are data journalists at the data journalism unit of the Spanish public broadcaster RTVE. They’ll talk about how they developed a workflow with the API, an organized folder system, and ad hoc templates.

More about Paula and Jaime’s talk
Phil Holm, Associated Press
05:45 pm
12:45 pm
U.S. East
10:15 pm
Syncing your brand to Datawrapper and custom style sheets

Phil is the lead creative for interactive news graphics at the Associated Press (AP). He’ll talk about what he learned when creating several style guides/custom themes for Datawrapper visualizations.

More about Phil’s talk
Muna Alebri, UCL/UAEU
06:15 pm
01:15 pm
U.S. East
10:45 pm
Inclusivity in Visualisation Design: Are we leaving right-to-left readers out?

Muna is a PhD candidate at the University College London Interaction Centre. She’ll talk about borrowing findings from cognitive perception research for guidelines for right-to-left visualizations.

More about Muna’s talk
Rose Mintzer-Sweeney, Datawrapper
06:30 pm
01:30 pm
U.S. East
11:00 pm
Three years watching data visualization in journalism: Trends, lessons, and favorites

Rose is a data vis writer and editor at the Datawrapper. She’ll talk about current trends and new practices in visual and data journalism.

More about Rose’s talk
07:00 pm
Germany, Nigeria
02:00 pm
U.S. East, Bolivia
11:30 pm
Keynote & product announcement
Thursday, March 14
Keynote by Amanda Cox, Bloomberg
07:00 pm
02:00 pm
U.S. East
11:30 pm
Making better simple charts

Amanda Cox is the executive editor for data journalism at Bloomberg and former editor of the New York Times data journalism section The Upshot. In her keynote, she’ll share insights from many years of helping others build great charts.

More about Amanda’s talk
David Kokkelink and Elana Levin Schtulberg, Datawrapper
08:00 pm
03:00 pm
U.S. East
12:30 pm
Product announcement and Q&A with the Datawrapper co-CEOs

The Unwrapped conference is all about sharing and learning from each other. In this session, we’re excited to announce a feature that will make this easier directly in Datawrapper. Join us for the reveal!

Afterwards, Datawrapper co-CEOs David Kokkelink and Elana Levin Schtulberg will be available to answer all your questions about Datawrapper: what we build, how we think about data visualization, and how we work.

02:00 pm
Germany, Nigeria
09:00 am
U.S. East, Bolivia
06:30 pm
Locator maps
Friday, March 15.
Welcome to day 3 of Unwrapped!

A recap of yesterday’s conference day and what to expect today from our head of communications, Lisa Charlotte Muth.

Ceren Dolma, freelance cartographer
02:10 pm
09:10 am
U.S. East
06:40 pm
Visualizing “Place” with Datawrapper

Ceren is a self-employed cartographer, data visualization designer, and Datawrapper beginner. She’ll talk about creating a locator map (with custom geodata and annotations) as a counter-cartographic visualization of her experience of navigating Belfast as a young immigrant woman.

More about Ceren’s talk
Philipp David Pries, IPPEN.MEDIA
02:20 pm
09:20 am
U.S. East
06:50 pm
Locator Maps: Exploring New Territories

Philipp is the team lead “Data Journalism” at one of the largest German publisher networks. He’ll talk about using locator maps to the fullest with grid maps, unique map keys, additional diagrams, CSS, and custom geodata.

More about Philipp’s talk
03:00 pm
Germany, Nigeria
10:00 am
U.S. East, Bolivia
07:30 pm
Creative use of Datawrapper
Friday, March 15
Patrick Stotz, Der Spiegel
03:00 pm
10:00 am
U.S. East
07:30 pm
You can’t do that with Datawrapper! Are you sure? Our 7 most satisfying Datawrapper workarounds.

Patrick is the co-lead of the data & visualization department at the German newsroom Der Spiegel. He’ll share some of the most unusual hacks his team has implemented in Datawrapper.

More about Patrick’s talk
Lalon Sander, taz/NDR
03:30 pm
10:30 am
U.S. East
08:00 pm
How we automated HTML buttons to link multiple charts

Lalon is a data journalist for the German daily taz and the public broadcaster Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR). He’ll talk about how using Python and Streamlit, his team built a tool with which they can link any number of charts together.

More about Lalon’s talk
Ben Kates, Urban Institute
03:40 pm
10:40 am
U.S. East
08:10 pm
Creating extended Datawrapper tooltips with Svelte

Ben is a Data Visualization Developer on the Communications team at the Urban Institute. He’ll talk about using Datawrapper’s chart interaction events messages and the JavaScript framework Svelte to show information about data points outside of the visualization.

More about Ben’s talk
C.J. Sinner, Star Tribune
03:55 pm
10:55 am
U.S. East
08:25 pm
Secret scatterplots: how we made 4 unique Datawrapper charts

C.J. is the Director of Graphics and Data Visuals at the Star Tribune. She’ll talk about how her team created a timeline, a lollipop chart, a beeswarm chart and a Taylor Swift Eras Tour surprise song tracker – all with the Datawrapper scatterplot chart type.

More about C.J.’s talk
Kiko Llaneras, El País
04:25 pm
11:25 am
U.S. East
08:55 pm
Datawrapper and R? How we code custom charts

Kiko is a data editor at the Spanish newspaper El País. He’ll talk about using the Datawrapper API to produce custom (special!) Datawrapper charts such as histograms, beeswarm plots, or bizarre column charts.

More about Kiko’s talk
Erkka Rautio, Library of the Finnish Parliament
4:45 pm
11:45 am
U.S. East
09:15 pm
Customizing tables: sort and search by dates and uniform bar range

Erkka is an information specialist at the Library of the Finnish Parliament. He’ll share insights and a workaround that make working with dates in tables easier using the Datawrapper API.

More about Erkka’s talk
05:30 pm
Germany, Nigeria
10:30 pm
U.S. East, Bolivia
10:30 pm
Datawrapper API
Friday, March 15
Matilda Davies, The Times
05:30 pm
12:30 pm
U.S. East
10:00 pm
How to create a Datawrapper workflow that upskills the whole newsroom

Matilda is a data journalist at The Times and The Sunday Times. She’ll talk about how her team uses Datawrapper and the API alongside other programs to get the best from their journalists.

More about Matilda’s talk
Sören Müller-Hansen & Markus „fin“ Hametner, Süddeutsche Zeitung
05:45 pm
12:45 pm
U.S. East
10:15 pm
Quick Prototype to all the bells and whistles: how the SZ uses the Datawrapper API

Sören and Fin are data journalists working for
the German newsroom SZ. They’ll talk about using the Datawrapper API for automated labelling, buttons, tooltips, and more.

More about Sören and Fin’s talk
Jared Whalen, Axios
06:15 pm
01:15 pm
U.S. East
10:45 pm
Batch chart creation with Datawrapper

Jared is a data visual journalist, designer and web developer on the Axios Visuals team. He’ll talk about a workflow using Bash and R to automate the creation of the same Datawrapper visualizations for different data sets.

More about Jared’s talk
Jon McClure and Ben Welsh, Reuters
06:30 pm
01:30 pm
U.S. East
11:00 pm
Bare Facts First

Jon McClure and Ben Welsh create graphics at Reuters. At Unwrapped, they’ll talk how the reporters, editors and computer programmers at Reuters use Datawrapper to create, automate and disseminate hundreds of charts each week.

More about Ben and Jon’s talk
Sean Greene, Los Angeles Times
7:00 pm
2:00 pm
U.S. East
23:30 pm
How we’re using the Datawrapper API to power our drought and water supplies tracker

Sean Greene is an assistant editor on the Data & Graphics desk at the Los Angeles Times. He’ll talk about his teams use of the Datawrapper API to power a drought tracker.

More about Sean’s talk
08:00 pm
Germany, Nigeria
03:00 pm
U.S. East, Bolivia
12:30 am
Data Vis Book Club
Friday, March 15
Data Vis Book Club with Alberto Cairo
08:00 pm
03:00 pm
U.S. East
12:30 am
The Art of Insight

Unwrapped will host a special edition of Datawrapper’s Data Vis Book Club: Alberto Cairo will speak about his latest book “The Art of Insight,” for which he interviewed lots of data visualizers. Join us (with or without having read his book) to learn what he learned while doing so.

More about this book club session


You could attend Unwrapped for free, by signing up for it in the weeks beforehand. During the conference days, we also let everyone join without signing up by going to

Unwrapped happened between Wednesday, March 13, and Friday, March 15, 2024; in the morning for Americans, the afternoon for Europe and Africa, and the evenings for Asia.

You can find the agenda above.

Yes, all talks were recorded, and available a few minutes after each conference day. You can find the links to the recordings at the top of this conference website.

We will also upload all talks on our our Youtube channel, but it will take a few weeks before they show up there. We’ll let you know on our blog and this conference website once the talks are on YouTube.

No, you could keep your pyjamas on: Your video and audio weren’t shared at any time. That said, you could chat with other attendees (and for that, we asked for your name when you enter the conference). Some of your chat messages – especially if you ask questions – displayed for everyone in the video conference and show up in the recorded talk.

Get in touch with us at We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

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