
Browse through a selection of Datawrapper's >3000 basemaps:

World & world regions
Regions within countries
Cartograms & Tilegrams

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Upload basemaps yourself, or ask us to create official ones

Upload basemaps yourself

You can upload any GeoJSON or TopoJSON smaller than 2MB to our tool and then fill it with data.

Learn how to upload maps in our Academy
Screenshot of the Datawrapper map upload button and a map of Berlin
Let us know which map you need and we add it for you.

Get in contact with us at and our cartographer Anna will add the map you need as quickly as possible.

To make this process faster, please state a source for the geodata, if you know one, and the geo IDs you need.

Get in touch with us
Image of Anna, the Datawrapper basemap expert

Do you have any questions? Contact us!

We’re happy to talk to you.
Example of a Datawrapper symbol map Contact Sales

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