Multiple donuts

Create beautiful multiple donuts charts with Datawrapper
Multiple donuts are great to show the shares of multiple items.
Sounds complicated? We make it easy.
As soon as you upload your data, you will see some beautiful donuts – but every data set is different, and we want to help you communicate it best.
Changing the colors? The inner or outer radius of the donut? The sorting of your slices? If your values should show up as relative or absolute values? It’s all possible. Just click around until you’re happy.

Our multiple donuts are readable on desktop devices as well as on smartphones. That’s because our charts adjust depending on their width: The color key moves up, otherwise overlapping labels disappear, and the font size stays readable.

We want to help you create good charts. That’s why we group together everything after the five biggest slices to one called “Others.” (Yes, you can decide to show them all anyway.)
Need help creating Datawrapper charts?
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