
Bar chart

The classic bar chart – unbeaten in simplicity and readability. In Datawrapper, you can add a color key, groups, and format the values as you need them.
Create a bar chart

Create beautiful bar charts in Datawrapper

Go through just a few settings to build the bar chart that works best for your data

Add a layer of meaning with color.

In Datawrapper, you can color your bars by category – like industry or continent. You can also color each bar individually. Then, simply turn on a color key and adjust its labels to make clear what your colors indicate.

GIF of changing the colors of a Datawrapper bar chart
Show your data perfectly with our flexible design options.

As soon as you upload your data, you will see a beautiful bar chart – but every data set is different, and we want to help you communicate it best.

You need to move the labels to a separate line? Or sort your bars differently? Or align the values on the right instead of on the left? Just click around until you’re happy with the result.

Learn how you can customize a Datawrapper bar chart in our Academy
Group bars together easily.

Besides coloring your bars differently, you can also bring a sense of order into your bars by grouping them – for example, by location or rating. Simply add a column with a different category, then click “Group by”.

On desktop devices, tablets, or smartphones — Datawrapper visualizations are beautiful and readable everywhere.
Flexible number formats
Want to show 3,200,000 as 3.2m? Or 0.3760483 as 0.38? Or 32.1 as 32%? Do so with two clicks.
Colorblind check
Benefit from our colorblindness simulator that automatically flags problematic colors. Learn more.
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Need help creating Datawrapper charts?

We’re here for you.

Visit our Academy
Over 100 Academy articles explain how to create each chart type, step by step. Plus: how to upload data, embed charts, what to consider when creating tooltips, and more.
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Example of a Datawrapper bar chart Create a Bar Chart
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